What If I Miss The Rapture and Get Left Behind In The Tribulation?
Did you just miss The Rapture? If you are confused right now, you’re not alone. Some of your friends and perhaps family members have just disappeared, and the media will be trying to explain where thousands of people have gone without any notice or warning. You are likely to hear explanations that include alien abductions, government imprisonments, FEMA camps, possibly pandemics, and all kinds of bizarre conspiracies trying to account for why so many people disappeared around the world. Do not become a victim of all the propaganda machinery.
The Bible told us that there would be a day when God’s forbearance comes to an end. Such days are called the last days or the “end of times.” In the last days would come a terrible time on earth called the seven-year tribulation (The Tribulation). Just before The Tribulation God would take all those who are saved to Heaven in The Rapture. In other words, on a day and hour unknown, God would rapture his children and literally take them off the earth in the twinkling of an eye and bring them home to Heaven. Then with no Christians left on earth, the seven-year tribulation would commence. God’s judgment on sin and His terrible wrath have all been predicted for over 2,600 years. So we know precisely what will happen.
Right after The Rapture, many left behind will be confused with all the Christians gone, and it will be very hard to accept the reality that there really is a God and a satan, that there is such a thing as good and evil, and that Jesus Christ was exactly who he said he was. It will be very hard to accept the fact that almost everything you have believed your whole life was a lie.
Many who claim to be Christians will also be left behind. Do not be fooled by those who have always touted their Christianity but were not taken to Heaven in The Rapture. They were never genuine Christians or they would not be left behind with all unbelievers. This group of so-called Christians will surprise and confuse people, because some of the biggest names in religion, including most of the biggest churches in America, will be left behind since God never knew them.
The Bible makes it abundantly clear that there would be mass deception and lies and manipulation in the last days, and all this would be stepped up dramatically after The Rapture in order to confuse and control people left behind. Satan’s goal is to lead people away from God and toward a one-world global government with satan sitting on the throne in the temple in Jerusalem, which happens three and one-half years into the seven years.
If you’re one of those who did not believe your Christian friends and who refused to believe that there is a God, and if you now find yourself left behind on earth and all the genuine Christians you knew are gone, then these are the steps you need to take right now in order to be saved from eternal condemnation in hell and ultimately the Lake of Fire. God will save many during The Tribulation, but how your soul is saved will be the same as it was before The Rapture.
1. You must repent of your sins, and
2. You must turn to Jesus Christ as your savior, and trust in Christ by faith, believing that he gave his life as a sacrifice on the cross for your salvation, and
3. You must then live for God during The Tribulation. In other words, your repentance and faith in Christ must be genuine, which means you must not worship the beast or satan or the anti-Christ, which would only prove your repentance and faith in Jesus was not genuine.
4. While your salvation is a gift from God and it is by faith, not works, the Bible also tells us faith without works (proof) is dead, and the price you will have to pay during The Tribulation as a new Christian is severe persecution and for many, it will mean death, and
5. Read your Bible, because during The Tribulation the Bible will be the only guaranteed source of truth. Lies, deception, and betrayal will abound, but the Word of God remains true forever.
Where does the Bible talk about The Rapture?
“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (NASB)
The word “rapture” doesn’t appear in Scripture, but it means to be caught up or seized or carried away. In Matthew 24:36, Jesus said, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” But if you’ve been left behind, you now know exactly on what day and hour The Rapture actually happened.
Since you missed The Rapture because you did not trust Christ as your savior prior to that moment in time, the critical all-important question you must have now is, “Can I yet be saved during The Tribulation?” The answer is yes, but your procrastination beyond The Rapture of His church, the bride of Christ, comes at a severe cost.

You still can trust Christ and be saved during The Tribulation, but the consequences of not doing so before The Rapture is that you must live on earth in the worst time in all of human history, and you will see and experience horrendous things beyond your imagination, and you may have to die for your faith because you refuse to worship the anti-christ or the beast who takes the throne in the temple in Jerusalem.
While I don’t want to cause you any more anxiety and fear than you already are experiencing, you need to know what to expect in the months and years ahead. Here’s how the Bible describes The Tribulation you are now living in:
– There will be extreme inflation, poverty, and lack of food as one day’s wages will buy enough food for one day for one person. Rev 6:5-6
– In a very short period of time, one-quarter of the earth’s population will be killed due to wars, famine, pestilence and wild beasts. Rev 6:7-8
– There will be a great earthquake, the sun will be blackened, the moon will turn red and all mountains and islands (which are underwater mountains) will be moved. Joel 2:30-32
– One-third of the earth, one-third of all of trees and all the green grass will be burned up due to a comet or meteor that hits the earth. Rev 8:7
– A meteor will hit the earth causing the sea to become like blood, killing one-third of all sea creatures and destroying one-third of all shipping. Rev 8:8-9
– A “star” named Wormwood will fall from the sky and poison one-third of the earth’s fresh water killing many people.Rev 8:10-11
– Locust-like demons will be released from underground and will attack people who are not followers of Jesus Christ. These attacks will be very painful but last only 5 months. Rev 9:1-11
– An army of 200 million horse-like demons will kill one-third of mankind. Rev 9:13-19
– People will be required to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead in order to buy and sell, in other words to transact business. Rev 13:13-18
– The oceans will become like the blood of a dead man and everything in the oceans will die. Rev 16:3
– The rivers and fresh waters will become like blood. Rev 16:4-7
– The sun will scorch the people on earth with fierce heat. Rev 16:8-9
– There will be an earthquake so great that all of the mountains and islands will disappear. There will be hailstones weighing close to 100 pounds that will crush the armies that have gathered. Rev 16:17-21
– Shortly after this great earthquake, Jesus Christ will return with His army to claim the earth as His possession. Zech 14:3-5
We don’t have to guess about any of this, because the Bible told us precisely what will happen during the seven years of tribulation. The first thing to know is that the Holy Spirit has been restraining evil on earth all this time, but the Bible tells us that the “Restrainer,” another name for the Holy Spirit, will no longer restrain evil when The Rapture happens. This means during The Tribulation there will be no restraint whatsoever on the earth for evil, for satan, for his demons. They will be allowed to do any evil they want.
For anyone who reads this before The Rapture and is a genuine Christian, they can say, “Thank God that as believers we will be saved by The Rapture before The Tribulation.” But there will be two categories of people who will miss The Rapture and will suffer and die in The Tribulation—those who are not saved and openly reject God, and those who think they are saved, but are not.
We are living in a time when millions claim to be Christians. Watered down Christianity is no Christianity at all. When people live for fame and fortune and have made money their God, the God of Salvation is not their God. Their salvation is their money, but that won’t save them from The Tribulation.
When people say the path is wide and there are many ways to come to God, like Ophra Winfrey and Joel Osteen, they are proclaiming a gospel other than the gospel of Jesus Christ, and they will be in The Tribulation. So will millions of their followers who believed them and relied on them instead of the Word of God.
Can you begin to comprehend how bad The Tribulation will be? It will be the worst seven years in the history of the entire world. It will be a time of human slaughter by demons and wicked people. The Holy Spirit will no longer protect you from evil. It will be a time of lawlessness, and there will be no police officers to protect you and your home, and there will be no one to protect your wife and your daughters and sons. There will be a war in which over a billion people die. There will be an earthquake that is worse than any in all of world history, and millions will die. It appears a meteor hits the earth and burns up a third of the world, and a third of all the people die. 200 million demons kill another third of all the people on earth.
If you find yourself in The Tribulation because The Rapture just happened and all genuine Christians are gone, you must take these steps to avoid eternal condemnation and hell:
1. You must repent of your sins, and
2. You must turn to Jesus Christ as your savior, and trust in Christ by faith, believing that he gave his life as a sacrifice on the cross for your salvation.
Then get your hands on a Bible, preferably a hard copy (since all digital copies will likely be taken off the Internet), and read it from cover to cover. Lead others to salvation and pray constantly, because things will get worse. This is The Tribulation.
Don’t be deceived by thinking that taking the mark of the beast alone damns you to the Lake of Fire. Rev 21:8
The Word of God makes it very clear that all those not killed by the horrendous plagues of The Tribulation did not repent of their sins. Rev 9:20-21
What dams men to hell is an unrepentant heart that God will judge for eternity. Once saved, you cannot lose your salvation (a well established major biblical doctrine from cover to cover). You worship and serve and belong to the prince of darkness or to God Almighty–one or the other. That is true before and after The Rapture. The key for you right now, whether you are reading this before The Rapture or during The Tribulation, is to be sure about your own soul. Do not sidetrack the issue of your eternal salvation with disagreements over predestination, the security of the believer, spiritual gifts, or the mark of the beast. Ask yourself one question now, “Am I absolutely certain without any doubt that I am saved by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, and that my destiny is Heaven, not hell?” You’d better be able to answer that question correctly, because you’re out of time.
May God have mercy on all who live during The Tribulation.
Read also If Take The Mark of The Beast Will I Lose My Salvation?